
Showing posts from 2020

Introduction to solar cells

Introduction to solar cells link to join this course week 1 part A part B part C part D week 2 part A part B part C part D week 3 part A part B part C part D week 4 part A part B part C part D week 5 part A part B part C part D

Electric Power Systems

Energy Production, Distribution & Safety Electric Power Systems week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4

Introduction to solar cells week 1 part D

  Introduction to solar cells week 1 part D link to join this course Congratulations! You passed! TO PASS   66% or higher Keep Learning GRADE 100% Sunlight at Earth LATEST SUBMISSION GRADE 100% 1. Question 1 Select the correct statement(s) AM0 refers to the spectrum outside the atmosphere Correct That is correct AM0  is equvilant to the light as it has traveled 0 times through the atmosphere. AM1.0G is used for all standardized testing of terestial solar cells AM1.5 refers to the the radiation spectrum when the light has traveled 1.5 times the vertical height of the atmosphere Correct That is correct AM1.5  is equivalent to the light as it has traveled 1.5 times through the atmosphere and is equivalent to the atmosphere thickness at solar zenith angle of 48.2 degrees. AM stands for air me

Introduction to solar cells week 1 part B

Introduction to solar cells week 1 part B link to join this course on coursera Congratulations! You passed! TO PASS   75% or higher Keep Learning GRADE 100% Space LATEST SUBMISSION GRADE 100% 1. Question 1 Select the correct formula to calculate the power output of a solar cell P out  is the power output of the solar cell in watts η is the efficiency A is the area of the solar cell in squaremeters σ is the solar constant in watts per squaremeter P_{out} = \sigma \cdot \eta \cdot A P o u t ​ = σ ⋅ η ⋅ A P_{out} = \frac{\sigma \cdot \eta }{ A} P o u t ​ = A σ ⋅ η ​ P_{out} = \frac{\eta \cdot A }{ \sigma} P o u t ​ = σ η ⋅ A ​ Correct That is correct When we check the units, we see that the units of P out  is watts as it should be. 1 / 1 point 2. Question 2 Select the correct statement(s)