Introduction to solar cells week 4 part C

Introduction to solar cells

week 4 part C

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Thin film solar cells

1.Question 1
Thin film solar cell technologies such as amorphous silicon, copper indium gallium selenide, and cadmium telluride belong to which generation?
That is correct
Thin film solar cells using direct bandgap materials are refered to as second generation solar cells.
1 / 1 point
2.Question 2
Amorphous silicon has a higher bandgap (1.7 eV) than crystalline silicon (c-Si) (1.1 eV)
Which part of the spectrum is absorbed to a higher degree by the crystalline solar cell as compared to the amorphous silicon solar cell.
That is correct
A lower bandgap material absorbs light at higher wavelength as compared to a material with a higher bandgap.
1 / 1 point
3.Question 3
Which interface in the CIGS solar cell is the pn-junction?
That is correct
The pn-junction is formed between the CIGS absorber layer and the CdS buffer layer. Unlike a silicon solar cell, the junction is a heterojunction, since it is a junction between two dissimilar semiconductors.
You can read more about the structure of the CIGS solar cell here.


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